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De Pere WI 54115
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TIP #176
You seldom think about your car battery until you are in a deserted place late at night and your car won’t start.Then it becomes very important in your life.

If you can open your hood, then you can maintain your battery.

The 2 posts that the battery cables are connected to must be clean and free of corrosion. Corrosion can prevent the cables from getting a good connection and thus prevent the battery from getting a charge from the vehicals alternator, which will ultimately starting trouble. Simply keeping your terminals clean can keep those troubles from happening. Get a wire brush and scrub the contacts clean. If you are really motivated, you can remove the cables and scrub the inside of connector and the terminal post.An inexpensive tool specifically designed for this purpose can be found at any automotive supply store. You should have a good
contact after you complete this little chore. You also need to check your water level, especially when it is hot outside.