7. Use Structural Elements as Finish Surfaces
Perhaps you have interior brick walls, ceiling beams, concrete floors, or wood floors that may be, um, decoratively aged. If so (and if this is your intended decorating style), refurbishing these surfaces will always be cheaper than building up new finish surfaces
1. Rewards
Sign up for every free customer rewards program you can. Even if you rarely shop at that place, having a rewards card for that place will eventually net you some coupons and discounts. Here’s the basic game plan for maximizing these programs: create a Gmail address just for these mailings, collect every card you can, and then check that account for extra coupons whenever you’re ready to shop

3. Build Up
It's always less expensive to build your addition up than out. Foundation work (for building outward) is expensive. And it's even cheaper to build inward than upward. Got any spare rooms you can repurpose for other uses? If function rather than space is what you're looking for, seriously consider building inward.
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31. Install a programmable thermostat. These devices regulate the temperature in your house automatically according to the schedule that you set. Thus, when you’re not home, it allows the heating or cooling to turn off for several hours, saving you on your energy bill. A programmable thermostat can easily cut your energy bill by 10 to 20%.
75. Do some basic home and maintenance on a regular schedule. Instead of just waiting until something breaks to deal with it, develop a monthly maintenance schedule where you go around your home and perform a bit of maintenance where it’s needed. This little activity, taking you just an hour or two a month, will keep things from breaking down and help you see problems before they become disasters which usualy end up costing alot more than the prevemtive care.